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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the GOLDEN EAGLE factory.

Export of Products

Export of GOLDEN EAGLE products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All GOLDEN EAGLE products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant GOLDEN EAGLE: saber blades, ribbon, round, for overlock, sharpening stones, edged, loop knives, edge stitching binders, needle plates, toothed rails, special paws, needle clips, cutting machines, accessories, spare parts
  • Sharpening stones GOLDEN EAGLE
    Sharpening stones
    KXX, KMxx, etc.
  • Saber blades GOLDEN EAGLE
    Saber blades
    Exx, ETxx, etc.
  • Band blades GOLDEN EAGLE
    Band blades
    3100X10X0.45 mm, etc.
  • The blades are round GOLDEN EAGLE
    The blades are round
    BEAVERxx et al .
  • Overlock Blades GOLDEN EAGLE
    Overlock Blades
    upper, lower, etc.
  • Pruning knives GOLDEN EAGLE
    Pruning knives
    chain, angular, etc.
  • Loop knives GOLDEN EAGLE
    Loop knives
    71CLxx, S356Nxx, etc.
  • Binders for edge stitching GOLDEN EAGLE
    Binders for edge stitching
    WBxx, SRxx, VRxx, etc.
  • Needle plates GOLDEN EAGLE
    Needle plates
    Sxx, Rxx, etc.
  • Toothed rails GOLDEN EAGLE
    Toothed rails
    Dxx, Nxx, etc.
  • Special paws GOLDEN EAGLE
    Special paws
    CRxx, CLxx, etc.
  • Loopers GOLDEN EAGLE
    LPhx, MEkh, etc.
  • Needle clamps GOLDEN EAGLE
    Needle clamps
    KGxx, Mxx, etc.
  • Vertical motors GOLDEN EAGLE
    Vertical motors
    110 V, 220 V, etc.
  • Accessories GOLDEN EAGLE
    TShx, TGhx, etc.
  • Spare parts GOLDEN EAGLE
    Spare parts
    Cxx, Mxx, etc.


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